by Chris Morrell, Senior Director – Operations
Every package, beyond the necessity of being a conveyance of product, is still the final advertising and permanent bill board of why to buy this product. “It’s all about the packaging”… just ask your marketing team. One of the most effective means of differentiating packaging is the use of foil packaging (paperboard packaging with a laminated foil top sheet). At Cartons, we produce a vast amount of foil packaging and would like to share our observations.
Why Foil Packaging?
Foil packaging, plain and simple, is the most effective means of immediate shelf differentiation and lift in sales. A shinny, expensive looking foil package conveys several things to the consumer… New, Better, Advanced Formula, Superior Product, High Quality, Classy…It also suggest that the other products on the shelf are inferior in some way… less quality, less value, less class. “Bling” remains King… When given the choice between two products that otherwise seem the same… consumers overwhelming chose the better package seen… the shinny foil package. In virtually every market, we see our customers gain lift in sales when foil packaging is used. In many cases we have seen customers’ foil packaged product sales outpace the sales of their base or main line product. Here at Cartons Service inc., we make a lot of foil packaging and we watch our customers continuously reorder foil well beyond their planned limited launch of a product.
Who, What, When and Where?
Who?– virtually every maker of consumer goods can effectively market using foil packaging… At Carton Service we see foil packing in markets across the board:
- Pharmaceutical products
- Nutritional products
- Cosmetic products
- Personal care products
- Food products
- Tool products
- Beverage products