We probably do not need to make the case for paper over plastic packaging to you. More and more companies understand the long-term detrimental effects of packaging formed out of fossil fuels such as plastic grocery bags and water bottles ending up in our oceans, consumed by stray animal or dumped by the side of the road. In business since 1926, Carton Service knows about eco-friendly packaging. Creating a circular bio-economy by using materials that are both more sustainable and renewable has become our latest focus.
Let us know how we can help you reduce your environmental impact.We are so excited to announce a new brand for these cartons – Cartons 4R Earth.
When you fill out our form for more information, we will enter you in a weekly drawing for a 4ocean bracelet. This bracelet, made of recycled materials, purchases the funds for the removal of one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines.
We are proud to support this unique effort to clean up our world.