If you need a more eco-friendly package for a soap refill, we recommend considering “milk-carton” style gable top cartons with caps. We can do liquid fill cartons with any kind of soap from shampoo to hand soap to detergent. As we all look for more environmentally safe packaging, gable top cartons have a lot to offer since producing recycled paper creates 74% less air pollution and 35% less water pollution than producing paper from virgin fibers – also keep in mind that lightweight packaging requires less energy to ship.
We are ideally set up for small to large runs with sizes ranging from 250 ml to half gallons. This product packaging offers great billboard space for your message. And keep in mind our creative services team who can help you get your packaging preview or press ready. We’ve helped lots of customers with product launches and can create art for retail reviews and more.
So milk cartons are not just for milk, sometimes they are for soap too!