2017 Carton Service Focus

New video highlights some of the things Carton Service is focusing on in 2017.   If you have ever considered gable-top cartons as a container choice for any of your food products, Carton Service has the ability to print gallon size gable-top cartons on milk-stock board. We are uniquely set up for this size and…

A Must Read – The State of the Specialty Food Industry – And How It Affects Your Packaging

The State of the Specialty Food Industry report published in March by the Specialty Food Association is a great read. We refer to it here when we are noticing market packaging trends – we happen to be members of this great association and we know their information is solid. You can download it here: https://www.specialtyfood.com/news/article/state-specialty-food-industry-2017/.…

Best selling food packaging

Food Packaging Design Strategies

Food packaging design strategies should include the box structure, the print finishes, and the design itself. Shape, size, design, material and function all matter. If the shape of your custom boxes and packaging allow a consumer to access their contents more easily and to successfully seal the product when sated, that one aspect of packaging can help with the…